Aurora, CO Auto Hail Repair
Need Auto Hail Repair in
Aurora Colorado?
Save up to $500!
We provide auto hail repair in Aurora, CO and beyond:
Aurora |
Aurora Hills |
Delmar Parkway |
Sunny Vale |
Chamber Heights |
Highline Villages |
Montclair |
Aurora Highlands |
Call and get in for automotive hail repair today!
3293 N Oakland St
Aurora, CO 80010
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As a full-service auto body shop, we repair bumpers, fenders, doors, and more. Hail damage is a common occurrence throughout the world.
We travel the globe working directly with all kinds of businesses, including:
Auto Dealerships
Auto Manufacturers
Body Shops
Insurance Companies
Private Owners
and more!
When hail storms leave behind damaged vehicles, The Dent Guys offer a variety of auto hail damage claim options for insurance companies and their valued customers.
Thanks to our specialized technique and highly skilled experts, your factory finish is always protected. When you need your car restored to its original beauty, trust professionals that are skilled, dependable, and backed by a written Lifetime Warranty.